Sunday, November 6, 2011



根據大英百科全書的記載,動物身體中的毒素,包括尿酸與多種毒性分泌物、激素、排泄物,遍布在血液與身體組織之內,因而 提出中肯的見解:「若是與牛肉中所含的百分之五十六不凈的水分相比較,從堅果、豆類及穀類中所得到的蛋白質,顯然要純潔 多了。」正如我們的身體在恐懼、憤怒或緊張時會得病一樣,動物在極度危險的情況下,體內會產生極大的生化異變。當它們見 到同類慘遭屠宰,為了活命而極度掙扎時,體內的多種荷爾蒙尤其是腎上腺素,會異常分泌,死後,大量的荷爾蒙便留在了肉 中,隨後毒化食用者的身體組織。美國營養機構早已指出:動物死屍是富含大量毒素的物質。



這個報告指出:這群素食者罹患癌症的比例之低,相當令人驚訝。與同樣年齡及性別的人比較,各類癌症在這群人身上發生的比 例,顯著地減少了。報告最後說:「他們顯然可以活得更長。」

最近一個有關美國加州摩門教徒的報告也指出:「這個團體中罹患癌症的比例,比普通人少百分之五十。」摩門教徒便是以極少 吃肉為其特色。


1. 苯基嘌呤

你可知道二磅多一點(約1公斤)的炸牛排,所含的致癌物質:苯基嘌呤,和六百支香煙所含的一樣多嗎?實驗證明:老鼠若喂 以苯基嘌呤,就會得胃癌及白血病(亦稱血癌或骨癌)!

2. 甲基膽菲

肉類脂肪熱至高溫就會形成「甲基膽菲」,而烹調肉類一般常常需要熱至高溫(植物油即使加熱過度也不會形成這種物質)。將 這種物質供給小動物就會使其罹患癌症,即使少量的甲基膽菲,也會促使動物對其它致癌物質敏感,而增加其患癌的機會。

3. 化學添加物

另外一點是大家都知道的「化學添加物」。動物的肉存放時間不長,就會自然腐變成病態的青灰色。肉商為了不使它們「難 看」,於是就在肉裏加入硝酸鹽、亞硝酸鹽或其它防腐劑,這些東西使肉類呈現出鮮紅色。近年來不斷有報告指出:這些東西多 是致癌物質。在田納西國立歐克瑞則實驗室,專門研究癌症的威廉李金斯克博士說:「含硝酸鹽的東西,連喂貓我都不用。」

4. 肉食致癌


肉食者腸內所含的微生物與消化液發生作用時,產生的化學物質被認為會導致癌症。這也說明了為什麼腸癌在以肉食為主的地 區,如北美、西歐等地非常普遍,而在以蔬糧為主的印度則很少發生。蘇格蘭人比英國人多吃百分之二十的肉,得腸癌的比例在 全世界也是名列前茅。


1. 殺蟲劑(農藥)

吃肉是食物鏈中的最後一環。在自然界,食物的攝取,可以用食物鏈加以說明:植物吸收陽光、空氣、水、養分等以維持生命, 動物吃植物,大動物(人類)吃小動物。

現在,全世界的農田大都用有毒的化學物品(殺蟲劑與化肥、生長激素等)來防治蟲害和增加產量。這些毒藥就保留在吃植物與 草的動物身上。例如,農田裡噴DDT做為殺蟲劑,這是種強烈的毒藥,科學家認為它足以導致癌症、不孕或嚴重的肝病等。

DDT及其它類似的殺蟲劑,會保存在動物及魚類脂肪內,並且一旦儲存,便很難破壞。因此,當牛吃草或飼料時,不論它們吃 下了哪種殺蟲劑,大部分都保存在它們的體內。所以當你吃肉時,你把DDT的精華,以及累積在動物體內的其它有毒化學物質 都吃進了你的體內。由於吃者是食物鏈中最後一環,所以人類就變成各種殺蟲劑、毒素高度富集的最後吸收者。

愛荷華州立大學所做的實驗顯示:肉類中所含的DDT比起蔬菜、水果、青草所含的量,至少要高出十三倍以上。大多數人體中 積累的DDT都是來自於食物中的肉類。

2. 荷爾蒙和抗生素

肉類中的毒素並不僅止此。為了加速動物的成長、肥胖,以及改進肉的色澤、口感,提供肉類的動物往往被迫吃下大量的化學物 質。為了得到最大產量的肉以牟取最高的利潤,動物們被強迫餵食、注射:荷爾蒙、開胃藥、抗生素、鎮定劑,以及化學混合飼 料以刺激生長。

紐約時報曾經報導:「掩蓋着的污染毒害,對於肉類攝取者是一個相當大的潛在危機。殘留的殺蟲劑、硝酸鹽、荷爾蒙、抗生素 以及其它的化學物品都是『隱藏殺手』。一九七一年七月十八日這些化學藥品大多被認定為致癌物。而且事實上,許多動物,在 它們被屠殺之前,就已經死於這些藥物。」

當農田被改成動物飼養場後,大多數動物從未見過陽光,它們的一生在狹窄、壓抑、冷酷的環境中度過,最後的結局是凄慘的死 亡。芝加哥論壇曾經報導過高效率養雞場的情形:「其最上一層是用來孵雞蛋的、然後小雞接受刺激成長:服藥、強迫餵食,它 們在狹小的籠子裏狼吞虎咽,從來沒有運動或吸收過新鮮空氣。當它們長大些,就遷移到底下一層的籠子裏,如此一層層下去, 在到達最底下一層時,它們就被宰殺。」像這種不自然的生長過程,不但把動物體內生化平衡狀態破壞,同時也扭曲了它們天然 的習性。而更不幸的是,人類惡性腫瘤以及畸形胎兒的產生勢必因無知食用它們而在所難免。


肉食者所面臨的另一項危險就是:動物經常會感染一些疾病,而這些病往往是肉商或檢驗員無法察覺的。當動物身體的某一部分 長了癌症或腫瘤,有病的部分切掉之後,剩餘的部分還是被拿到市場賣掉。

更糟的是,有些長瘤的部分混在肉裏做成「熱狗」、火腿或餡料等食品。美國有一個地區,每天檢查的動物屍體中,竟有兩萬五 千頭患有腫瘤的牛屍被拿到市場販賣。科學家在實驗中發現,如果用有病動物的肝臟來餵魚,魚也會得癌症。說:集約化養殖廠 的動物沒有一隻是健康正常的,這話已成為事實而非危言聳聽的誇張。

聞樂格Dr. J.H. Kellog是一位有名的素食醫生,當他坐下來吃素食晚餐時曾說:「在吃飯時,不必擔心你所吃的食物是死於何種疾病,真是件好事!」


當動物被殺之後,屍體中的蛋白質就會凝結並且產生自我分解的酵素。不像植物,細胞壁堅硬且循環系統單純,腐敗很緩慢(讀 者可在家中掛一塊生肉和一個蘋果或其它蔬果,自行觀察,便能明白)。很快,在肉類中一種名為「屍毒」的變性物質就形成 了。由於屍毒會在死亡後立刻釋放,所以肉類、魚類、蛋類及動物類食品有一個共同的性質:很快就會腐敗分解。動物被屠殺 後,經存放、冷藏,然後運送到肉店,再被人買回家,再存放,等煮來吃時,我們可以想像這份晚餐已經腐壞到了什麼程度。

正如我們所了解的,人類的消化系統先天就不適合用來消化肉類。所以肉類在胃腸中通過得非常緩慢,大約要五天才能全部通過 人體(素食只要一天半就可以全部通過),在這期間,由腐肉所產生的肇病物質就不斷地接觸消化器官、腸道部分,很快它們就 受到侵蝕毒害。生肉,由於它的易腐敗性,會令廚師及任何接觸到它的東西都受到污染。

英國公共衛生局,在一次屠宰場爆發出中毒事件後,警告家庭主婦們:「處理生肉時,要把它當成像牛糞一樣不衛生。」通常有 毒的微生物即使經過高溫烹飪也不會被消滅。尤其當這肉沒有煮熟,或只是輕微加以燒烤,可想而知,它必然就成了感染的來 源。


肉食者體內所負荷的廢物,最顯著的便是尿素與尿酸。每磅肉約含有十四公克的尿酸。一位美國醫生曾將肉食者與素食者的尿液 加以分析,發現:為了排出氮化合物,肉食者腎臟的負擔是素食者的三倍。隨着年齡漸長,腎臟提前耗損過度,它們無法再有效 作用時,腎臟病也就隨之產生。當腎臟無力再處理因食肉所帶來的過重負擔時,無法排除的尿酸就儲存在體內,肌肉就像海綿一 樣將它的水分吸乾後,它就變硬而形成結晶體。當它停留在關節裏,痛風、風濕痛、關節炎等癥狀就產生了,當尿酸積聚在神 經,就產生神經炎與坐骨神經痛。現在許多了解疾病真相的醫生對於罹患上述病症的病人,無一例外,不是要求他們完全停止吃 肉,就是嚴格限制他們的食肉量。


我們的消化系統並不適合於吃肉,因此肉食者經常抱怨排泄困難。肉類,由於纖維質極少,所以它在消化管道中移動得非常緩慢 (比起穀類與蔬果食物要慢約四倍),因此在我們的社會之中,慢性便秘幾乎成為共同的苦惱。

許多最新的研究報告顯示,促使正常排泄的纖維質,只能從恰當的植物類食品中得到。與肉類相形之下,蔬菜、穀類與水果保有 較多的水份而易於通過消化道。蔬菜擁有大量的天然纖維,而這種物質正足以有效地防止盲腸炎、結腸炎、心臟病與肥胖症等。


素食者最強有力的一個論點,就是肉食與心臟病之間的關係。在美國(世界上肉類消耗量最大的國家),每兩個人之中就有一個 死於心血管疾病,而這些病在肉類消耗量低的國家發病率也低。美國政府因此設立了一個「心臟病病因研究委員會」,以研究能 遏止這種病的生活指導原則。

這個委員會的研究報告結論是:若要維持適度的血膽固醇,人們自飽和性脂肪(動物類食物)所攝取的熱量,應少於總熱量的百 分之十。報告中極有意義的建議是:少吃肉類、蛋黃及豬油、牛油、羊油等動物性油脂。報告中更進一步的建議:吃東西要節 制,必須少吃富於飽和性脂肪的食物,對富於膽固醇的食物也要嚴格節制,包括肝之類的動物器官、蛋類以及貝殼類的海鮮。



動物肉中的脂肪,如膽固醇,人體無法將其完全分解,這些脂肪會附於肉食者的血管壁上。由於日積月累,血管內就變得越來越 狹窄,能通過的血液量也就越來越少。這種危險的情況就叫心臟病變。它使心臟承受很大的負擔,迫使它極為用力地將血液送到 阻塞而緊縮的血管之中,高血壓、腦充血、心悸等毛病就都出現了。

最近哈佛的科學家們發現,素食者的血壓一般都要比非素食者低,在韓戰期間,兩百具平均年齡二十二歲的美國軍人屍體接受了 檢查,約有百分之八十的人,由於肉類廢物的阻塞,而呈現動脈硬化的現象,同年齡的韓國士兵卻沒有這種現象(當時韓國人基 本上是以蔬食為主)。

現在我們知到,人類的殺手:心腦血管疾病,已經是相當普及。有越來越多的醫生(如美國心臟學會)嚴格限制他們的病人攝取 肉類,甚至要求病人完全不吃肉。科學家們現在也體認到:素食中的粗糙纖維質確實能降低膽固醇。加州洛馬琳達大學營養系主 任瑞吉斯特博士Dr. U. D. Register經實驗證實:即使吃進大量奶油,而豆類中所含的物質仍能使膽固醇減少,這是素食者比肉食者更健康的另一重要原因。



1. 動物被宰殺時,極端的恐懼、痛苦、憤恨、掙扎,使其體內的生化作用急劇異常,從而毒化了它們的屍體,進一步毒化食肉者的身體組織。

2. 肉類烹燒烤炸的過程,會產生多種極強的致癌物質。

3. 肉類中的化學添加物(硝酸鹽等)及食肉者腸內微生物的變異,是致癌的重要原因。

4. 肉類中農藥、殺蟲劑等各種人工化學毒害物質的殘留量,比蔬果類至少高出十三倍。

5. 肉中含有抗生素、荷爾蒙、鎮定劑等大量生化致病毒物。

6. 動物本身就患有多種疾病(不包括各種人類未知疾病)、傳染病。

7. 動物屍體腐敗產生的屍毒會使食用者中毒。

8. 肉類富含乳酸、尿酸等代謝物,是腎臟病、痛風、風濕痛、關節炎等病變的主因。

9. 肉類因缺乏纖維而造成排泄困難、便秘,間接加重臟腑消化系統受毒素侵害的程度。

10. 動物脂肪的累積,造成心臟、血管病變,而罹患高血壓、心臟病、中風、血栓等。

以上簡述,已足以證明:肉食有百害而無一益,愚者貪著其味而自服其毒。做「拒百害於外的智者」,還是做「缺乏意志力、自 主力的愚者」,全憑自己的選擇。

在此,我們謹將世界各國的最新研究成果和臨床診治統計報告及您身邊的事實加以羅列,讓醫學告訴您:吃肉,是用自己的健康 和壽命為支付代價的最昂貴消費行為!

在您閱覽這些珍貴的保健資料之後,您能冷靜地對自己的飲食習慣做一通盤的檢討、理性的評判嗎?您是否已經找到一套避免吃 藥、打針、看醫生、花錢,奔走於醫院之間,讓精神、肉體倍受種種煎熬、折磨的飲食策略來了呢?


這項研究報告,是以總統候選人麥克嘉文為主席,並以「美國國家癌症研究所」、「心臟肺血管研究所」、「國家營養研究 所」、「保健福利部」、「農業部」等單位的專家、醫生及科研者為中心,在英國皇家醫學調查會議、北歐二國聯合醫學調查會 議的協助下,以世界性的規模來調查飲食生活與疾病的關係,而做了人類有史以來最龐大的飲食健康報告,報告書長達五千多 頁。


1. 發達、先進國家地區的飲食方式是錯誤的(食肉太多)。

2. 癌症、心臟病、腦中風、糖尿病等,致病的主要原因在於飲食不當。

3. 成人病與慢性病(文明病),根本無法靠醫藥或手術得到治療。

4. 犯罪、家庭暴力、校園暴力的部份原因是由於飲食偏差所導致。

5. 所有的成人病,都可以仰賴飲食的改善得到治療與復原。

6. 值得注意的事實:多吃蔬菜、水果、穀物的草食型飲食習慣者,健康情況比肉食型飲食習慣者好得太多。
── 節錄自美國政府官方網站信息 ──


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

节省地球的资源-Small ways to save natural resources

I have been inspired by my husband to look for small ways to save our natural resources.  Most people are aware that in recent years, global warming has caused so many changes to our temperature, our environment, etc.  There are many more natural disasters because of the global warming impact.  I think humans are good at justifying what they want to do despite of the negative impact it has on earth and  on the future generations.  One of the example is cutting down the forest but the effect it has is not only impacting this generation, green house gases are not being absorbed, which contribute to global warming.  Please read about the effect of deforestation at :

I asked my friend to contribute her saving ideas to the blog.  One of the things that she does is to carry washcloth.  That saves so many trees because we don't have to use up paper towels to dry our hands.  You can read more of her saving ideas later on in the article.  One of the things my husband did for our house is to change out the light bulbs to energy savings bulbs.  Also, instead of using one napkin per person, we cut it into two so we use less.  After this round of paper napkins, we will start to use cloth, which can be washed.  I used to take long showers because I do everything in the shower.  One day Cameron Diaz was talking on the Opera Show, she said that she tries to take 2 min showers because in Africa, 2 min of water is what they use for a whole year.  If that doesn't create a visual image, what will?  So I started to take quick showers and be aware of the water that I am using. 

Here are some other ideas that you might know already.  Don't waste food so always take leftover home instead of wasting it.  I got to a point of not wasting that I collect other people's left over as well.  Everyone knows that I don't like to waste, so they always give me what they don't want to eat.  Lower the temperature of the water heater in summer time. Use Supermarket bags as garbage bags instead of buying plastic bags whenever possible. Turn off lights whenever you are not in the room.  Brushing teeth, using a cup instead of letting the water run as you brush your teeth. 

If anyone else have a great idea, please let me know.  I would love to hear from you.

Here is Elaine's ideas on saving resources.
I've been collecting kitchen water for the garden plants, and using washcloths instead of paper napkins. I usually carry a washcloth and chopsticks in my bag with me, so I don't need to use the disposable chopsticks and paper napkins in the restaurant in case I eat out. And It will not be necessary to use the paper towel to dry my hands when I go to the public restroom if I carry a washcloth with me (Just think about how many trees can be saved if we make it a life habit).

Wash and reuse the plastic bags as much as possible and always put some shopping bags and plastic bags in the car trunk, so I don't need to consume more plastic bags when go shopping unexpectedly.

We try to eat local food in season, therefore the farmer's market is our major source, it has allowed me to avoid the processed or preserved and packaged food which reduces the usage of plastic packaging tremendously.  And also, we compost the kitchen waste which has reduced the garbage considerably and leaves our trash can much cleaner.

Ride the bike or walk when it's possible.

Grow some super easy vegetables like sweet potato leaves and herbs in yard if it's possible.
We try to live with the flow of Nature, for example,  we let our body sweat instead of turning on the air conditioner. By doing so we have experienced the unbelievable benefit from sweating, releasing the toxins from our bodies.

There are so many benefits to conserve our natural resources. The most direct impact for us besides  contributing to the earth is that our living expense has been greatly reduced, and we all have became much healthier by living in a simple life (back to the basics).

Monday, August 15, 2011



Introducing a Book "Searching the far horizon" by Sean Gallagher

I first got this book wanting to understand more about Asperger's syndrome. As I read on, I realized this book has so much more. This seems to be the first book from Sean but the stories about his journey feels a little like the book " Eat Love and Pray", and there are many life lessons in this book that are unexpected.
This book takes you on a journey with Sean and his mother through China's many rural areas, seeing temples and majestic mountains... The life lessons are also intertwined in the journey. I saw a rebellious boy, like many teenagers. I saw the "generation gap" between a mother and her son. I saw amazing love of a mother trying to teach a son to be able to live a "normal" person life. The Asperger syndrome is not obvious in this book, especially if someone doesn't really know what the syndrome actually entails, but I can see some of the places where Sean is definitely different from "normal" kid. I think Sean's achievement is nothing short of a miracle. A normal kid might not be able to write a book but a kid with Asperger's syndrome, this is even more unthinkable. This book is a great read to understand the kind of unconditional love parents have for their children. The length they will go to ensure their child can live a normal life and be self-sufficient in life.
Loved reading all the stories about the temples and about Master Hui-Nen. Loved reading about the lives of normal Chinese and Chinese culture. This book has a lot of different interesting perspectives from an American Born Chinese kid's point of view. Thank you Sean for writing this book. I think this is a good book if you are interested in traveling in China as well, However, I think this book is also a must read for parents that have children with disability... believe in the children (instead of what the school or the doctor say about their limitations) and teach them life skills so they can live a happy life.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

About sacred teacher-Confucius

The Painting of the Sacred Saga of Confucius is an illustrated biography of the Most Sacred Teacher. Confucius' formal name is Qiu and his courtesy name is Zhongni. This painting depicts his ideal of a world for all; his virtues of gentleness, kindness,  respectfulness, thriftiness, and humility; and his spirit of learning and teaching tirelessly. For more than 2,000 years,  Confucius' deeds have been admired by both government officials and the general public, and his character constantly emulated. His philosophy has become the mainstream of traditional Chinese culture and the basis of moral norms. We can say that Confucius' virtues are compatible with heaven and earth, and his teachings are of the utmost virtue at all times. The ancient Chinese said: Had Zhongni not been born, the world would be like an eternal dark night. Today, what lesson will we learn when we look at the Painting of the Sacred Saga of Confucius?
Morality and Virtues Are Immutable at All Times
Question: Confucius was born in the Spring and Autumn period, more than 2,500 years ago. Today is the age of technology and electronics. Wouldn't Confucius' philosophy be antiquated for people today? Is its guidance still meaningful?
Answer: The rules of nature are immutable, such as the constant revolution of the moon and the stars, the cyclical changes of the four seasons, and so on. Ancient Chinese called the rules of nature "dao" and behaving in accordance with the rules of nature "de".

For example, one works when the sun rises and rests when the sun sets. Farmers plant in spring, grow in summer, harvest in autumn, and store in winter.  With regards to human relationships, there are the relationships between parents and children, rulers and subjects, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, and between friends. Behaving properly in these relationships is de. There is a natural love between parents and children, there are mutual obligations between leaders and their followers, there are distinct responsibilities for husbands and wives, there is a natural order between old and young, and there is trust between friends. Book of Rites talks about the Ten Obligations of a person.
These are parents should love their children, and children should be filial to their parents; elder siblings should be friendly to younger siblings, and younger siblings should respect elder siblings; husbands are responsible, and wives are attentive; elders are giving, and young ones are dutiful; rulers should be benevolent to their subjects, and the subjects should be loyal to their rulers.
If we say that these ideas are antiquated and not suitable for people today, it is equivalent to saying that we do not want love and filial piety between parents and children, fraternal love among siblings, or respect and cooperation between husbands and wives. Is this the kind of life we want? Blindly criticizing and rejecting Confucius' philosophy will eventually lead to a warped human nature and to social disturbance.
In his lifetime, Confucius emulated the ancient sages and taught accordingly. His teachings were a combination and continuation of the teachings of the ancient sages such as Kings Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu, and the Duke of Zhou. He only cited the teachings of others and did not create his own. His philosophy was revered by Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty. It thus became the lifeblood of Chinese culture and has sustained the peace and unity of the Chinese people for more than 2,000 years. The well-known English historian, Dr Arnold Toynbee said that in order to resolve the social problems of the twenty-first century, we must rely on the teachings of Confucius and Mencius, and on Mahayana Buddhism. If we wish to establish a harmonious society today, China needs the appearance of another Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty to revive traditional Chinese culture the teachings of Confucius and Mencius everywhere. Only in this way can we enjoy long-lasting stability and peace.
The Sages' Teaching Centers on Benevolence
Question: The core of Confucius' philosophy is benevolence. A person should be benevolent, and a government should also be benevolent. How do we practice benevolence today?
Answer: Benevolence means loving people. When we think of ourselves, we should also think of others. "Do not do to others what you do not want done to you"and "One who wishes to be established should help others be established, and one who wishes to succeed should help others succeed" are golden rules that exist everywhere. To practice benevolence, one should start with humility. One should respect and love others. A government should love its people and be honest and not be corrupt, and it should get along with other countries harmoniously and help them. Only through education can all this be realized.

The basic principle of education is what the Three-Character Classic teaches: "All people are innately good. Although they have similar nature, they acquire different habits. If they are not taught, their nature will change for the worse. In teaching, single-minded concentration is of utmost importance." This passage is the only true teaching heritage of the five thousand years of Chinese education. It first affirms the innate goodness of human nature. People become bad because they are polluted by the environment. That is why it is said: "If they are not taught, their nature will change for the worse." Through education, people will return to their innate goodness. Education should start when children are at a very young age. Parents should set good examples with their own behavior and be positive models for young children. When these young children have received the basic family education and are older, teachers continue their education. Like parents, teachers should also set good examples with their own behaviors and be positive models for the students. Ancient Chinese children completed their elementary school education at the age of twelve or thirteen. They then go on to taixue and focus on one field. After they thoroughly comprehended one field, they would become conversant in everything and become sages. Therefore, a sage is nurtured through education.
Teaching Leads to World Harmony
Question: The world today is very much like the one in the Spring and Autumn period. People are interested only in material gains, and wars occur frequently. Confucius, despite all his virtues, could not resolve the chaos in the Spring and Autumn period. What then can we do today to effectively improve public morality and achieve social harmony?
Answer: Confucius established himself at the age of thirty. He wholeheartedly hoped to obtain a position in the government of any one of the states in order to carry out his political ideals. But no state would give him an important position. In his old age, he returned to his native state, the State of Lu, to teach. He passed down his philosophy on how to cultivate oneself, how to run a family, how to properly rule a country, and how to achieve world peace to future generations. He devoted the last five years of his life to teaching and became the Most Sacred Teacher. His philosophy has positively influenced future generations. Sakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, lived at about the same time as Confucius. The Buddha attained enlightenment, also at the age of thirty. Unlike Confucius who sought to go into politics, the Buddha renounced his throne and focused on teaching. He taught for forty-nine years. He was much wiser than Confucius in this respect and his influence also exceeded that of Confucius.

We should emulate ancient sages and devote our lives to promoting the teachings of the sages. We should firmly believe that it is possible to teach people to be good and that we can successfully resolve conflict, improve public morality, and achieve world harmony.
Confucius taught students regardless of their backgrounds. He was highly successful in his teaching. Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty revered only Confucianism. With the support of the government, the teachings of Confucius and Mencius have become the mainstream of traditional Chinese education for more than 2,000 years. From here we can see that if the education can start from private academic institutions and then have the support and advocacy of the government, the desirable result of spreading education to all people will be achieved. Venerable Master Chin Kung established, in his hometown in Anhui Province, Lujiang Chinese Culture Education Centre to promote basic Confucian teaching and to attest to the ancient maxim; "Education is essential in building a country and in guiding its people" and "It is possible to teach people to be good." The result of the center's teaching has received great attention and admiration from UNESCO.
As Venerable Master Chin Kung has succeeded in this teaching experiment, he hopes that the government will take over and promote Confucian teaching. If the government can train fifty virtuous and knowledgeable teachers to teach people moral education and the law of cause and effect via the Internet and satellite television, their power to achieve social stability will far exceed that of 5,000,000 troops and policemen. If each country promotes and teaches its own excellent moral education to its people and then achieves cultural fusion through communication with other countries, Confucius' ideal of a world for all, a world of harmony can definitely be realized.
Chung Hua Culture Education Centre