Tuesday, August 23, 2011

节省地球的资源-Small ways to save natural resources

I have been inspired by my husband to look for small ways to save our natural resources.  Most people are aware that in recent years, global warming has caused so many changes to our temperature, our environment, etc.  There are many more natural disasters because of the global warming impact.  I think humans are good at justifying what they want to do despite of the negative impact it has on earth and  on the future generations.  One of the example is cutting down the forest but the effect it has is not only impacting this generation, green house gases are not being absorbed, which contribute to global warming.  Please read about the effect of deforestation at : http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/deforestation-overview/

I asked my friend to contribute her saving ideas to the blog.  One of the things that she does is to carry washcloth.  That saves so many trees because we don't have to use up paper towels to dry our hands.  You can read more of her saving ideas later on in the article.  One of the things my husband did for our house is to change out the light bulbs to energy savings bulbs.  Also, instead of using one napkin per person, we cut it into two so we use less.  After this round of paper napkins, we will start to use cloth, which can be washed.  I used to take long showers because I do everything in the shower.  One day Cameron Diaz was talking on the Opera Show, she said that she tries to take 2 min showers because in Africa, 2 min of water is what they use for a whole year.  If that doesn't create a visual image, what will?  So I started to take quick showers and be aware of the water that I am using. 

Here are some other ideas that you might know already.  Don't waste food so always take leftover home instead of wasting it.  I got to a point of not wasting that I collect other people's left over as well.  Everyone knows that I don't like to waste, so they always give me what they don't want to eat.  Lower the temperature of the water heater in summer time. Use Supermarket bags as garbage bags instead of buying plastic bags whenever possible. Turn off lights whenever you are not in the room.  Brushing teeth, using a cup instead of letting the water run as you brush your teeth. 

If anyone else have a great idea, please let me know.  I would love to hear from you.

Here is Elaine's ideas on saving resources.
I've been collecting kitchen water for the garden plants, and using washcloths instead of paper napkins. I usually carry a washcloth and chopsticks in my bag with me, so I don't need to use the disposable chopsticks and paper napkins in the restaurant in case I eat out. And It will not be necessary to use the paper towel to dry my hands when I go to the public restroom if I carry a washcloth with me (Just think about how many trees can be saved if we make it a life habit).

Wash and reuse the plastic bags as much as possible and always put some shopping bags and plastic bags in the car trunk, so I don't need to consume more plastic bags when go shopping unexpectedly.

We try to eat local food in season, therefore the farmer's market is our major source, it has allowed me to avoid the processed or preserved and packaged food which reduces the usage of plastic packaging tremendously.  And also, we compost the kitchen waste which has reduced the garbage considerably and leaves our trash can much cleaner.

Ride the bike or walk when it's possible.

Grow some super easy vegetables like sweet potato leaves and herbs in yard if it's possible.
We try to live with the flow of Nature, for example,  we let our body sweat instead of turning on the air conditioner. By doing so we have experienced the unbelievable benefit from sweating, releasing the toxins from our bodies.

There are so many benefits to conserve our natural resources. The most direct impact for us besides  contributing to the earth is that our living expense has been greatly reduced, and we all have became much healthier by living in a simple life (back to the basics).

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